DCRL organized Inter-Ministerial Provincial Coordination Committee (IMPCC) Meeting to disseminate information about the project and its progress among IMPCC members, obtain suggestions and input for effective project implementation, and strengthen coordination across all three spheres of government.
In total,17 participants, including 1 female participated in the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Rai, Secretary, Ministry of Forests, Environment and Soil Conservation, province-1. The province forest director, National Project Director of DCRL, representatives from the Ministry of Forests, Environment and Soil Conservation-province -1, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning, Basin Management Center-Koshi and Soil and Watershed Management Office-Okhaldhunga, Division Forests Offices from Khotang and Okhaldhunga, UNDP and DCRL team joined the meeting.
The major recommendations received from IMPCC members are as follows: management of additional human resources for capacity-building activities such as training, immediate management of the budget for greenery promotion considering the monsoon, sharing the progress of a project on a regular basis during provincial progress review meetings, formation of a monitoring and evaluation system and collaboration, and reporting of project progress in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.